Journal #3

           The first quote I decided to respond to is from the CNN article and it says,"But I am more than meets the eye". When I read this quote I vision a book. I vision a book because legend says you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I agree with this 100%. With this article saying that I feel like it means that there is more to one person that you can see. There was also another quote that went hand-in-hand with the first quote and that is, "My body is also a billboard for my life, and my tattoos tell the story of my identity". This incorporates with the first quote because ones own body is their story and how they express their life. People make assumptions based on the way people express themselves. These judgments are no fair for these people just because they decide to express themselves one way. Piercings are also like these tattoos. Whether people have a lot of tattoos, piercings, or both they still get judged and that is unfair. What they do with their bodies is their choice.  We cannot judge one person based on how they express themselves because that is unfair.
                 My next quote I chose was from "Looking at The World's tattoos", "A Los Angeles gang member’s sprawling tattoos describe his street affiliation, and may even reveal if he’s committed murder. Whether the bearer is a Maori chief in New Zealand or a Japanese mafia lord, tattoos express an indelible identity." This quote is saying that some people decide to actually put decisions they have made in their life on their body. Like I said in the paragraph before people can express themselves as they please. Some people might judge these people for the ways they are expressing their bodies and what they chose to put on them but they have that right to do that. With these tattoos they are telling a story. You may come across someone with many tattoos and just see one of them and feel a personal connection that they have with that certain tattoo. Then, you may ask them what it means and you may find out it has a lot of significance to that persons life and start to understand why they may have that tattoo.
              Below are just two examples of tattoos people may get. The first one has significant meaning to the person who chose to put this on their body. They are showing remembrance for a loved one as for the second one it has maybe or some significance to the person who is wearing it. Comparing the two, if you see someone with the first one you most likely know they have a connection to the tattoo unlike the second one that most likely has no emotional significance.


  1. I liked how you compared your first quote to a book and how you should not judge a book by its cover! I also liked how you added two different types of tattoos and expanded on what they could mean to each individual.

  2. I don't necessarily agree with the fact that the second tattoo would have no meaning. It may not have any meaning or emotional significance to you, but to the person who took the time to get the tattoo, it might have some deep emotional significance.

  3. I like how you compared the two tattoos, one having significance to someone, and the other having no significance at all. I believe that tattoos should have some meaning to whom may wear it.

  4. I loved that you incorporated relation to others into you your post. I completely agree with that. Usually tattoos have a meaning behind them and when you look at someone else's tattoo, you are looking at their lives and what they represent. Not all tattoos are bad and when people open up and see their worth you can really get to know a person better. especially when their story could be told permanently on their arm.

  5. I like how you point out the difference in the two pictures, the difference being the emotional significance. Good points, well thought out.

  6. I agree completely on your stance of a persons body is their own, they shouldn't be judged for what they have on it.


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