I'm From
I'm from a place where you can throw a rock and touch the other end of town,
Where fall weather is as pretty as a rainbow and
buildings are as tall as you.
I'm from a town where everyone knows each other.
I'm from dirt, from some back road only a mile long.
Everyone in my town is old-fashioned
and they do not like change.
In my town we have a marvelous place we all love to go.
We call this place "High Rock."
Here you can see the planes flying through the clouds and actually be able
to read what the side of the plane says.
We go here to talk pretty much about anything.
Most times it's the dark chocolate milkshakes we want or
the talks about who we think is sitting at sheetz today.
I'm from a place where the love is so strong everybody in my town has the same heart.
Everyone in my town will take you in like one of their own.
Make you a dinner that includes soft mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh chicken dripping in flavor with corn and asparagus.
I'm from a place where the people are one of a kind.
I'm from.....
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